CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED – please VOTE NO on 14th September to Stop Multi-level Private Residential East of the Railway at the Coffs Harbour Jetty Foreshores.

On Thursday 29th August the ‘Foreshore For All’ Community Group launched its campaign to inform the Coffs Harbour Local Government Area (LGA) voters about the Poll being conducted in conjunction with the LGA Election on 14th September 2024. This Poll asks if people are in favour of some multi-level private residential development east of the railway line. Please Vote NO

There has been a long history of the Coffs Harbour community fighting against the conversion of the land east of the railway from recreation zoning to multi-level residential zoning. In fact, in the early 2000’s Wall Murray MP, the leader of the National Party came to Coffs Harbour and announced there would never be any new residential east of the railway at the Jetty Foreshores.

A Plan of Management (POM) was announced in 2008 and is the document under which the Jetty Foreshores have been and are still managed in Coffs Harbour. Multiple surveys conducted from 2018 onward have overwhelmingly given a ‘no new residential east of the railway’ answer. One electronic survey, which had confusing questions that failed to give respondents an opportunity to clearly express their views gave some very limited support.

Any re zoning for multi-level private residential development east of the railway by the NSW State Government will prevent the enhancement and enlargement of the Jetty Parklands as envisaged in the POM. It will destroy the community’s long held joy of the area for recreation and events and its expectations of having a future Coffs Harbour with a very special identity and one in which the community will have pride.

It will also create a terrible traffic movement and parking problem!

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