A Set Agenda in Jetty Crown Land Plans?

I attended the information session and a workshop as part of the “independent” and “transparent “ Coffs Opportunity- community and stakeholders consultation conducted by GDH. In both forums the public opinion was overwhelmingly and unambiguously to exclude residential development east of the railway line. Am I cynical to suspect GDH had an agenda preset by our State government as to the outcomes they required?

The only possible explanation  of the “Plan released on Coffs community’s suggestions” (Advocate October 27th,2018) glowingly supported by our State member, is that the email responses vastly differed from the information sessions, the workshops and the opinion of the many locals I have discussed the matter with. Hence I request GDH in true transparency give public access to these emails.

Anna Sinclair

This was published in Letters to the Editor, Coffs Harbour Advocate, Nov 2018

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